Data Scientist &Full Stack Developer

Building intellgent and elegant web apps

Here are few projects I've worked on recently. Want to see more? lets chat
Conversational Agents using LLM Models
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Large Language Model Playground: Interacting with conversational agents using the following LLM models: Llama2(70B, 13B, 7B), Falcon(7B), GPT, and Flan UL2 and tune chatbot performance (temperature and max token length)

github link

Time Management REACT Application with Voice Command Control using AI Voice Recognition Model

Arabic Part Of Speech Tagging
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Arabic part of speech tagging using arabic PUD dataset using bidirectioanl LSTM for sequential labeling classification

AI Voice Assistant
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AI voice assistant web app built using SpeechRecognition,pyttsx3, and streamlit open-source libraries

Arabic Word Embedding
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Arabic Word Embedding models SkipGram, and GLoVE are trained over Arabic Wiki data Dump 2018 dataset from scratch using Gensim and GLoVE python libraries. Then the models are evaluated on three NLP tasks and its results are visualized in T-SNE

Genetic Algorithm Solving N Queens Problem
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The project analyzes the N-Queens problem and defines the cost function, solution represntations as(Phenotype, Genotype) where the Genetic Algorithm is applied and experimented with different chess board dimensions (N x N)

github link

Using End to End memory model and bAbI dataset I developed a Recurrent Attention model that can understand the context of a sentence. the system generates an answer based on a story and a question

Path Finding Problem using A Star Algoritm
github link

Unity Project to simulate obstacle avoidance and path finding (using A star search algorithm) to help the agent (robot) solve any maze

Bakery Web App
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A REACT-based web app suitable for small/large bakery business that allows costumers to convenient buy freshly baked goods, reserve table in the actual restaurant ahead and see the daily updated menu

Public Transportation User Statisfaction Dashboard
website link

My BI analysis system utilizes the public transportation data provided by ASCC for U.A.E, Ajman 2018-2021. Features of drilling down where users investigate and narrow down analysis to a specified group of year/s in addition to seamless switching between languages Arabic and English. The dashboard is enhanced with interactive graphs & maps updating the visuals by area-based filters

Im a graduate student studying master of science in artificial intelligence and looking for job opportunities that include data science, data analysis, and/or full-stack web development. First, thank you for taking the time to know me better . I am a Detail-oriented and fast adapter developer with great experience in the latest technologies and best AI practices in developing AI-powered full-stack web apps and intelligent solutions for clients timely.

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Feel free to reach out for me for business or any question on, or my social media accounts github and linkedin.